About Golden Ratio Acupuncture Clinic
If you are seeking for a gentle and painless approach of acupuncture for your health and well-being, you have come to the right place. Dr. Atsuki Maeda is a licensed acupuncturist with licenses in Japan and state of California, Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Diplomate in Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM), CEU provider/teacher to other acupuncturists, professor at various colleges and universities in their Master's and Doctoral programs of Oriental Medicine for over 15 years and a practitioner with over 30 years of experience. He uses very gentle and painless Japanese Style Acupuncture for any conditions and symptoms for everybody. If you are needle-shy or very sensitive, he uses Non-Invasive Contact needling technique with Tei-Shin and Da-Shin which will provide same effect with the conventional method. For children from newborn to adolescent, he uses Shoni-Shin, the Japanese Style Non-Invasive pediatric acupuncture method for various symptoms such as night crying, tantrum, biting, squealing, insomnia, lack of appetite, constipation and many more. It is a very safe, fun and effective treatment for all children with all conditions. Have you been able to manifest your true desire in your life? Have you found your life path and truly living it? Have you been struggling growing spiritually within your soul mission? Celestial Acupuncture / Esoteric Acupuncture will guide and support you with your life journey. If you are suffering with physical issues rooted in psycho-emotional causes, Celestial Acupuncture might be the best fit for you. Acupuncture heals people as a "Whole Person" treating all Mind-Spirit-Body to regain the energetic balance and alignment. Dr. Maeda specializes in treating post-stroke condition and symptoms as well as other brain related illnesses using Xing Nao Kai Qiao Therapy (Awakening Brain, Opening Orifices) invented by worldly known academician, Dr. Shi Xuemin from Tianjin, China as you've seen in the documentary film by Mr. Dough Dearth, "9000 Needles". Dr. Maeda has two offices in Los Angeles county, conveniently in Santa Monica serving West Los Angeles area and in Torrance serving the South Bay communities. Feel free to contact us and take your first step toward your true healing and happiness of your life!
Top Specialties
Conditions Treated
Nearby Areas
Santa Monica, CA, 90404
Pacific Palisade, CA, 90272
Topanga, CA, 90290
Torrance, CA, 90505
Palos Verdes, CA, 90275
Acupuncture Cost & Insurance
Are you currently accepting new patients?:
Accepting New Patients – Call Today
Average Session Cost:
From: $50 To: $90
I accept the following payment methods for acupuncture treatments:
American Express Cash Check Discover Mastercard VisaDo you accept some insurance plans?:
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Expiration Date
License Information
License No
License State
License Expiration
Board Certification
Licensed Acupuncturist
Hospital Practice
School most recently graduated
Year Graduated
Year I Began Practice
Additional Credentials & Certificates
MTOM: Master of Traditional Oriental Medicine
DAOM: Doctor of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
Phone Info
Call Dr. Atsuki Maeda Today